Our Team

Timothy Liu (Director of MCN) works as a regional sales manager for a US company with responsibility to oversea business in Asia. He is the founder of MCN in 2001. Timothy also serves on the GCF council as President. At his local congregation, he is a worship leader and musician. Timothy is also convener for the 2004 Lausanne World Evangelization conference, Marketplace Ministry Issues Group.

Kendra Kok (Training) has worked mostly in the logistic sector of the industry and was logistic manager of Dell Asia Pacific before she had a career change to be a stay home mother for the sake of her children. She lectured part-time at a local polytechnic on the subject of her expertise and currently work at a local university as a student career counselor.


Yuen Chee Meng (Finance) has extensive experience in the financial sector and is now a Finance Controller for a local engineering company. He is a stalwart of his local congregation and had served as a deacon and home group leader.



Chen Yan Chang

Elaine Seah

Gabriel Koh

Henry Tano

Jason Leong

Tan Wei Qi

Vivienne Liang




Chew Wee (Asst Director of MCN) is a chemical engineering researcher at a national institute. He also serves as the Chairman for the Engineering and Science Christian Fellowship (ESCF), a sectional group of GCF. He is a conscientious bible teacher.