Recommended Books

Word in Life’ Study Bible

We adopt the ‘Word in Life’ Study Bible as our basic biblical tool because

of it’s emphasis on contemporary issues and the value it brings to our

perspective for Marketplace Ministries.

1) Christians in a Non-Christian Society

2) Global Issues

3) Social Issues

4) Sexual Issues


ISBN No. 0-551-01158-0


Should be available at your local Christian

Bookstore although it may not be easy to find.

And …...

Of course, it’s God’s Word


You can find a copy in Singapore at


SKS Books Warehouse

Telephone: (65) 2279700
Fax : (65) 2214595

Bible Society

7 Armenian Street #01-01, Bible House.

Telephone: (65) 337 3222


You can also order a copy directly from Thomas Nelson publishers.

Website :


Our advisor for MCN, Mr. Pete Hammond is also the creative director for this study bible. Thank you for the work and labor the team has put in to bring us this treasure.

All ministry partners are strongly encourage to own a copy.

Issues Facing Christians Today


Written by great Christian thinker and writer of our time Mr. John Stott looks at various issues that confronts Christians today. The book is broken into 4 parts :